Despite the frantic packing, cleaning, and getting ducks in a row before leaving, the DAndiKai's still manage to get in some socializing. Our friends, Ben and Kazumi Wood, had baby Hikaru just 8 weeks after Kai was born, so we've all been keen on play dates (for the babies and the adults!) While we are no longer heading to the "cinema" (Ben's British), we still enjoy swapping food. Kazumi made coffee chiffon cake (to repay us for the chili we brought them after they got out of the hospital... and we managed to share some cucumbers before they left... it's a vicious cycle!) Anyway, it was fun to compare babies. Kai was born at 7 pounds 11 ounces at 40 weeks. Hikaru, on the other hand was 10 pounds 2 ounces at 42 weeks! Now, take into consideration he's half Japanese... poor Kazumi! She had a c-section, thank goodness... he wouldn't have made it out!
Unfortunately, Kai was not a very accommodating host.

I don't think Hikaru knew quite what to think. Thankfully Kai settled down and they got to know each other a little bit better.

However, after our social break, it was back to "junbi" ("preparations") for the big trip home. We leave the day after tomorrow... and everything is miraculously falling into place. With any luck, Andi and Dan won't be flying around at the last minute tomorrow night trying to get everything done. (Don't hold your breath!)
Kazumi's little guy is cute - he DOES look like his daddy! Maybe I should get a t-shirt for Kai that says, "Doesn't play well with others"! No, I'm sure he will be a jovial little friend as he gets older. I can't wait until I can play with him - really, CAN'T wait! ILU. Momma &:-)
safe travels andi! hope to see you sunday if i don't work!
and i have some pics of derrick like the one you have with kai - he's always bigger than most kids :o) but those baby pics of them lined up are so cute!
I was so surprised to find a comment on my blog from you! And I didn't know you were still in Japan and I didn't know you had a baby. Congratulations!
Where are you visiting while you're home on vacation?
I have such good memories of The Lab.....every morning....two for me and one for Lisa. I still llike my coffee!
Keep in touch.
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