Hello. My name is Bard. For those of you who don't know me, I am DAndiKai's little buddy.
Yes, that's right, I'm an 8 inch-tall drawing mannequin. But I also happen to be one of DAndiKai's favorite inspirations for creative thinking. I have been known to make my way around the apartment with my best friend Benvolio, both helping around the house and getting into mischeif. Either version tends to bring smiles to Dan's and Andi's faces.
So why a blog?
I have the unique opportunity to observe Dan, Andi, and Kai in their element, monitoring their daily adventures in parenthood and listen in on the absurdities that happen away from home. I hope to bring you the latest news, funny anecdotes, and perhaps an occasional peak into Dan's bedtime stories and drawings, Andi's photography and knitting projects, and Kai's acheivements and discoveries. And rumor has it, that's what everyone back home wants to hear... so without further ado,
The Tales of the Bard.
You guys ROCK! You are so awesome! I can't believe I gave birth to one of you and have had the incredible blessing of getting to know the other of you. Then there's the adorable result of your procreation - did I mention you ROCK? Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with us. It means more than we can ever express - keep up the good work. I love you! Momma &:-)
Sweet Peas!!!
You're both terrific!! Thank you for sharing your talents and joys with us. The photography is great!! You're on your way to fame, Andi! How I love you and so proud of you!!! And Dan, your creativity is awe-inspiring!! What a threesome you are!!! Grandpa and I love you very, very much!!! Grandma <><
I am so proud of you Andi! I wish I could reach out and hug you - I miss you so much! Dan, I've had little opportunity to get to know you, but the fact that you make Andrea so happy is enough for me! Your web site brings me one step closer to sharing in your travels and family life. Viewing the video and pictures, and reading your blog was so enjoyable; I look forward to checking in, often! Give that precious Kai a humongous hug for Uncle Matt and me! We love you!
Aunt Lori
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