Dan's been doing all his "goodbye" lessons at school. He gave his going away speech for one of his junior high schools today and has been moving all the teaching resources cluttering up our apartment to his desks at school for the next poor soul to come in September. No, not really "poor soul," but I don't envy their immense task of going through all the handouts, text books, and notes that have accumulated over the last 6 years (we have a lot of stuff from the girl before us too!) Anyway, Dan is really excited about (finally) starting his new position. It's been a seemingly long wait, but July 25th is in sight, thank heavens.
Dan is still teaching eikaiwa (English conversation) class, although the future of that class is a bit up in the air at the moment... there is a slight chance that I (Andi) might teach it, but Dan has some chatting with his new office before that position is offered to me. We both feel it is probably better for the class to have a new teacher again. I don't know if I'm "new" enough to really push them to excel, but they've never had me as a solo teacher and my style is definitely different than Dan's (or our team-teaching style before Kai came along). Not sure what I would do with Kai if this happens, but we'll work something out. He might live in my baby carrier? Otherwise the slew of "obaachans" can "janken" for who gets to hold Kai (the grandmas can rock-paper-scissors) ;o)
Oh yeah, so anyway, today in eikaiwa Dan got a great question from Keiko. He asked the class how they were (typical starter question). She raises her hand and very seriously asks if she can ask a question. She went on to ask that if on days with sun it is "sunny" and days with clouds it is "cloudy" and days with snow it is "snowy," when it is hot can you say it is "hotty?" A pretty good question! The class had a pretty good laugh, I guess, when Dan explained to them that "hottie" usually refers to cute girls. Good old Keiko. I love her!
Kai has been developing by leaps and bounds these days. It is amazing. He is getting really good with his hands, can sit by himself (mostly... Mommy sticks close or puts a pillow around him), and even rolled over on his own once (he's a bit late on that... he hates tummy time, so it hasn't been much of a goal for him!) He rolls onto his left side all the time, though. And tonight I had pee shot straight up my shorts for the first time (I was sitting down). Good times. We tried rice cereal tonight too (made from scratch, mind you) and he pretty much hated it. We should have gotten that on video for you. He gagged on it and everything, poor little guy. I tasted it and concurred it was pretty gross. We're going to buy some apple juice to mix into it and see if that helps at all. So, for now, I guess it's just yogurt and breastmilk! We also started letting him "cry it out" at bedtime. The first night was pretty bad (over an hour), but after that it hasn't been any longer than 20 minutes and then he sleeps all night. I feel like a terrible mom while he cries himself to sleep, but I know we are doing the right thing. Another perk... naps! He has gotten into more or less of a schedule, allowing me a few breaks during the day to do my own stuff, be it cleaning or stationary (usually stationary, to tell you the truth!) Kai also learned the "p" sound last week. After we demonstrated it for him, he would practice when he didn't think anyone was watching and then interrupt feeding sessions with me to show me he could do it. So cute. I really, really love this little boy. What an awesome gift from God!
I'll have to blog again soon about our evening activity the other night, pictures and all....
So with that teaser, I'll leave you for now. Until next time,
(I read this to Dan after I wrote it and he said that the "teaser" sounded provocative. It's not. Sorry to let you down.) :o)
1 comment:
I was just checking out your site after reading about the hurricane (I'm so glad that you were unaffected by it!) Tell Dan that I am totally impressed with his having completed the puzzle with 200+ micro-pieces in an hour!
I wanted to let you know that the stationery is so very cool! How could one ever part with any of them? I'd want to frame them all to enjoy as a wall hanging!
Take care of yourselves and of sweet little Kai. I wish that you had taken a video of the rice cereal ordeal, too - how fun! (or not?!)
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