Thankfully Andi and Kai got over the cold to rule all colds at the beginning of the week. Unfortunately this also coincided with the painful experience of Kai upgrading from one tooth to three teeth! He also developed a knack for sprinting around the room by holding on to the furniture, legs, and anything that will hold his weight. He danced to music this morning (hence the soundtrack to the video... Kai picked it out). But the big news of the week was his crawling! That's right, Kai started scooting his little body around in a forward direction! If only he would figure out how to get back into a sitting position, we'd all be happy. :o)
This week also marked Kai's first Halloween. All three of us sported some rockin' costumes and headed to the community Halloween party for the kids here in Misato. Japanese people don't really "get" Halloween, it is more of an international event for them, but these parties get better and better every year. They actually handed out candy this year (instead of Japanese "snacks" like in previous years--yuck).
Dan threw together a little video to give you a sense of what that was all about. Make sure not to miss the cameo by Tio Luis ("Crazy Sound Effects Uncle" from Kai's Bag of Tricks). His costume was amazing!
Anyway, that is a bit about our big, big week... more of them to come, I'm sure.
Until next time,